

Nos publications académiques


Affiché dans la langue de publication


Detcheverry F, Senthil S, Narayanan S, Badhwar A.
"Age-specific changes in the levels of the antioxidant glutathione in brain and blood: A critical review."

Barbeau EB*, Badhwar A*, Kousaie S, Bellec P. Descoteaux M, Klein D, Petrides,M.
"Dissection of the temporo-frontal extreme capsule fasciculus using diffusion MRI tractography and association with lexical retrieval."
* indique les co-premiers auteurs et les auteurs correspondants

Winchester L, Harshfield E*, Shi L*, Badhwar A*, Khleifat AA, Clarke N, Dehsarvi A, Lengyel I, Lourida I, Madan CR, Marzi S, Proitsi P, Rajamani A, Rittman T, Silajdzic E, Tamburin S, Ranson J, Llewellyn D.
"Artificial intelligence for biomarker discovery in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia."
* indique une contribution égale

Bucholc M*, James C*, Khleifat AA, Badhwar A, Clarke N, Dehsarvi A, Madan CR, Marzi SJ, Shand C, Schilder BM, Tamburin S, Tantiangco H, Lourida I, Llewellyn DJ^, Ranson^.
"Artificial Intelligence for Dementia Research Methods Optimization."
* et ^ indiquent respectivement les contributions égales du premier auteur et de l'auteur principal

Benhajali Y, Pérusse D, Moreau C, Badhwar A, Ferre P, Urchs S, Vainik U, Chouinard-Decorts F, Orban P, Bellec P.
"Two highly pleiotropic mirror subtypes of brain activation shared across tasks in the Human Connectome Project."

Accepté ou publié


Borchert R, Azevedo T, Badhwar A, Bernal J, Betts M, Bruffaerts R, Burkhart MC, Dewachter I, Gellersen HM, Low A, Machado L, Madan CR, Malpetti M, Mejia J, Michopoulou S, Muñoz-Neira C, Peres M, Phillips V, Ramanan S, Tamburin S, Tantiangco H, Thakur L, Tomassini A, Vipin A, Tang E, Newby D, Ranson J, Llewellyn DJ, Veldsman M, Rittman T.
"Artificial intelligence for diagnosis and prognosis in neuroimaging for dementia; a systematic review." doi: 10.1101/2021.12.12.21267677

Shafighi K, Villeneuve S, Rosa-Neto P, Badhwar A, Poirier J, Sharma V, Iturria-Medina Y, Silveira PP, Dube L, Glahn D, Bzdok D.
"Social isolation is linked to classical risk factors of Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias." doi: 10.1101/2021.09.13.460121


Savignac C, Villeneuve S, Badhwar A, Saltoun K, Shafighi K, Zajner C, Sharma V, SA Gagliano Taliun, Farhan S, Poirier J, Bzdok D.
"APOE alleles are associated with sex-specific structural differences in brain regions affected in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia."
PLOS Biology, 2022. PMID (texte)

Durrani R, Badhwar A, Bhangu J, Ganesh A, Black SE, Barber PA, Frayne R, Field TS, Hachinski V, Sahlas D, Mai L, Sharma M, Swartz RH, Smith EE.
"Vascular brain lesions, cognitive reserve, and their association with cognitive profile in persons with early-stage cognitive decline."
J Alzheimers Dis Rep. 6(1):607-616, 2022. PMID (texte)

Costanzo E, Lengyel I, Parravano M, Gordon I, Biagini I, Veldsman M, Badhwar A, Betts M, Llewellyn D, Lourida I, MacGillivray T, Rittman T, Tamburin S, Tai X, Virgili G.
"Ocular Biomarkers for Alzheimer Disease Dementia: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses."
JAMA Ophthalmology, 2022. PMID (texte)

Borghesani V, Nagy Z, Lussier-Lévesque D, Xu T, Chauvin R, Brovkin A, Kochunov P, Dagher A, Narayanan S, Badhwar A.
"A stage for neuroscience and art: the OHBM BrainArt SIG."
Aperture Neuro, 2022. (texte)

Benhajali Y, Badhwar A, Urchs S, Moreau C, Chouinard-Decorts F, Vainik U, Ferre P, Orban P, Pérusse D, Bellec P.
"Subtypes of brain activation are heritable and genetically linked with behavior in the Human Connectome Project sample."
PsyArXiv, 2022. (texte)


Gau R, Noble S, Heuer K, Bottenhorn KL, Bilgin IP, Yang Y, Huntenburg JM, Bayer J, Bethlehem RAI, Rhoads RA, Vogelbacher C, Borghesani V, Levitis E, Wang H, Van Den S, Bossche, Kobeleva X, Legarreta JH, Guay S, Atay SM, Varoquaux GP, Huijser DC, Sandström SM, Herholz P, Nastase SA, Badhwar A, Dumas G, Schwab S, Moia S, Dayan M, Bassil Y, Brooks PP, Matteo M, Shine JM, O'Connor D, Xie X, Poggiali D, Friedrich P, Riedl L, Toro R, Heinsfeld AS, Caballero-Gaudes C, Eklund A, Garner KG, Nolan CR, Demeter DV, Barrios FA, Merchant JS, McDevitt EA, Oostenveld R, Craddock RC, Rokem A, Doyle A, Esper NB, Ghosh SS, Langs G, Nikolaidis A, Stanley OW, Uruñuela E, Vohryzek J, The BrainHack Community.
"Brainhack: developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience. Neuron 2021." doi: 10.31234/osf.io/rytjq

Gau R, Noble S, Heuer K, Bottenhorn KL, Bilgin IP, Yang Y, Huntenburg JM, Bayer J, Bethlehem RAI, Rhoads RA, Vogelbacher C, Borghesani V, Levitis E, Wang H, Van Den S, Bossche, Kobeleva X, Legarreta JH, Guay S, Atay SM, Varoquaux GP, Huijser DC, Sandström SM, Herholz P, Nastase SA, Badhwar A, Dumas G, Schwab S, Moia S, Dayan M, Bassil Y, Brooks PP, Matteo M, Shine JM, O'Connor D, Xie X, Poggiali D, Friedrich P, Riedl L, Toro R, Heinsfeld AS, Caballero-Gaudes C, Eklund A, Garner KG, Nolan CR, Demeter DV, Barrios FA, Merchant JS, McDevitt EA, Oostenveld R, Craddock RC, Rokem A, Doyle A, Esper NB, Ghosh SS, Langs G, Nikolaidis A, Stanley OW, Uruñuela E, Vohryzek J, The BrainHack Community.
Brainhack: developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience.
Neuron 109(11):1769-1775, 2021; DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2021.04.001

Tzovara A, Amarreh I, Borghesani V, Chakravarty MM, DuPre E, Grefkes C, Haugg A, Jollans L, Lee HW, Newman SD, Olsen RK, Ratnanather JT, Rippon G, Uddin LQ, Bringas Vega ML, Veldsman M, White T, Badhwar A.
Embracing diversity and inclusivity in an academic setting: Insights from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. NeuroImage 229:117742, 2021.


Badhwar A, Collin-Verreault Y, Lussier D, Sharmarke H, Orban P, Chouinard I, Vogel J, Potvin O, Duchesne S, Bellec P.
"A dataset of long-term consistency values of resting-state fMRI connectivity maps in a single individual derived at multiple sites and vendors using the Canadian Dementia Imaging Protocol."
Data In Brief 31:105699, 2020; DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105699

Bielczyk N, Ando A*, Badhwar A*, Caldinelli C*, Gao M*, Haugg A*, Hernandez L*, Ito K*, Kessler D*, Lurie D*, Makary MM*, Nikolaidis A*, Veldsman M*, OHBM Student and Postdoc Special Interest Group.
"Effective self-management for early career researchers in the natural sciences."
* indique une contribution égale avec l'ordre des noms dans l'ordre alphabétique
Neuron 106(2):212-217, 2020; DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.03.015

Badhwar A, Haqqani A.
"Biomarker potential of brain-secreted extracellular vesicles in blood in Alzheimer’s disease."
Alzheimers Dement. 12(1):e12001, 2020; DOI: 10.1002/dad2.12001

Benhajali Y, Badhwar AA, Spiers H, Urchs S, Armoza J, Ong T, Pérusse D, Bellec P.
"A standardized protocol for efficient and reliable quality control of brain registration in functional MRI studies."
Front. Neuroinform. 14:7 2020; DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2020.00007

Loudjani S, Narayanan S, Haqqani AS, Badhwar A.
"How Your Blood Knows Your Brain Is Sick."
Frontiers for Young Minds 8:56156, 2020. DOI: 10.3389/frym.2020.561561

Badhwar A#, McFall GP, Sapkota S, Black SE, Chertkow H, Duchesne S, Masellis M, Li L, Dixon RA, Bellec P.
"A multiomics approach to heterogeneity in Alzheimer's disease: focused review and roadmap."
# désigne l'auteur correspondant
Brain 143(5):1315-1331, 2020. DOI: doi.org/10.1093/brain/awz384

Cuperlovic-Culf M, Badhwar A.
"Recent advances from metabolomics and lipidomics application in Alzheimer’s disease inspiring drug discovery."
Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery 15(3):319-331, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/17460441.2020.1674808

Badhwar A, Collin-Verreault Y, Orban P, Chouinard I, Vogel J, Potvin O, Duchesne S, Bellec P.
"Multivariate consistency of resting-state fMRI connectivity maps acquired on a single individual over 2.5 years, 13 sites and 3 vendors."
NeuroImage 205:116210, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116210


Duchesne S, Dieumegarde L, Chouinard I, Farokhian F, Badhwar A, Bellec P, Tétreault P, Descoteaux M, Beaulieu C, Potvin O, and the CIMA-Q group* and the CCNA group.
"Structural and functional multi-platform magnetic resonance imaging series of a single human volunteer over 15+ years."
Scientific Data 6, Article number: 245, 2019. PMID (texte)

Sappey-Marinier D, Suprano I, Delon-Martin C, Kocevar G, Stamile C, Hannoun S, Achard S, Badhwar A, Fourneret P, Revol O, Nusbaum F.
"Topological reorganization of brain networks in children with high intelligence quotient: a resting state fMRI study."
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2019. PMID (texte).


Bielczyk N, Veldsman M, Ando A, Caldinelli C, Makary MM, Nikolaidis A, Scelsi MA, Stefan M, OHBM Student and Postdoc Special Interest Group, Badhwar A.
"Establishing online mentorship for early career researchers: Lessons from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping International Mentoring Programme."
European Journal of Neuroscience 2018. PMID (texte)

Dansereau C, Tam A, Badhwar A, Urchs S, Orban P, Rosa-Neto P, Bellec P.
"Identification of a brain signature highly predictive of future progression to Alzheimer’s dementia."
arXiv 1712.08058v2, 2018 (texte)


Badhwar A, Tam A, Dansereau C, Orban P, Hoffstaedter F, Bellec P.
"Resting-state network dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. "
Alzheimers Dement 18(8):73-85, 2017. PMID (texte)

Badhwar A, Brown R, Stamimirovic D, Haqqani A, Hamel E.
"Proteomic differences in brain vessels of Alzheimer’s disease mice: Normalization by PPARγ agonist pioglitazone. "
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 37(3):1120-1136, 2017. PMID (texte)

Lajoie I, Nugent S, Debacker C, Dyson K, Tancredi FB, Badhwar A, Belleville S, Deschaintre Y, Bellec P, Doyon J, Bocti C, Gauthier S, Arnold D, Kergoat MJ, Chertkow H, Monchi O, Hoge RD.
"Application of calibrated fMRI in Alzheimer’s disease. "
Neuroimage:Clinical 15:348-358, 2017. PMID (texte)

Orban P, Tam A, Urchs S, Savard M, Madjar C, Badhwar A, Dansereau C, Vogel J, Schmuel A, Dagher A, Villeneuve S, Poirier J, Rosa Neto P, Breitner J, Bellec P.
"Subtypes of functional brain connectivity as early markers of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease. "
bioRxiv 195164, 2017. (texte)


Badhwar A. Kennedy D, Poline JP, Toro R.
"Distributed collaboration: the case for the enhancement of Brainspell’s interface. "
GigaScience 100216, 2016. (texte)

Tam A, Dansereau C, Badhwar A, Orban P, Belleville S, Chertkow H, Dagher A, Hanganu A, Monchi O, Rosa-Neto P, Shmuel A, Breitner J, Bellec P.
"A dataset of multiresolution functional brain parcellations in an elderly population with no or mild cognitive impairment. "
Data in Brief 9: 1122–1129, 2016. PMID (texte)


Tam A, Dansereau C, Badhwar A, Orban P, Belleville S, Chertkow H, Dagher A, Hanganu A, Monchi O, Rosa-Neto P, Shmuel A, Wang S, Breitner J, Bellec P.
"Common effects of amnestic mild cognitive impairment on resting-state connectivity across four independent studies"
Front Aging Neurosci. 24;7:242. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2015.00242. eCollection 2015. PMID (texte)

Hoge R.D, Badhwar A, Doyon J, Ostry D.
"Improving sensitivity and specificity in BOLD fMRI using simultaneous multi-slice acquisition."
MAGNETOM Flash (Siemens), 2015. (texte)

2014 et avant

Badhwar A, Stanimirovic DB, Hamel E, Haqqani AS.
"The proteome of mouse cerebral arteries. "
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 34:1033-1046, 2014. PMID (texte)

Badhwar A, Lerch JP, Hamel E, Sled JG.
"Impaired structural correlates of memory in Alzheimer's disease mice. "
Neuroimage Clinical 3:290–300, 2013. PMID (texte)

Jansen A, Sancak O, D’Agostino MD, Badhwar A, Roberts P, Gobbi G, Wilkinson R, Melanson D, Tampieri D, Koenekoop R, Gans M, Maat-Kievit A, Goedbloed M3, van den Ouweland AMW, Nellist M, Pandolfo M, McQueen M, Sims K, Thiele E, Dubeau F, Andermann F, Kwiatkowski DJ, Halley DJJ, Andermann E.
"Unusually mild tuberous sclerosis phenotype is associated with TSC2 R905Q mutation. "
Ann Neurol. 60(5):528-539, 2006. PMID (résumé)

Al-Asmi A, Jansen A*, Badhwar A*, Dubeau F, Tampieri D, Shustik C, Mercho S, Savard G, Dobson-Stone C, Monaco A, Andermann F, Andermann E.
"Familial temporal lobe epilepsy as a presenting feature of choreoacanthocytosis. "
* indique une contribution égale
Epilepsia 46(8):1256-1263, 2005. PMID (texte)

Badhwar A, Berkovic SF, Dowling JP, Gonzales M, Narayanan S, Brodtmann A, Berzen L, Caviness J, Trenkwalder C, Winkelmann J, Rivest J, Lambert M, Hernandez-Cossio O, Carpenter S, Andermann F, Andermann E.
"Action myoclonus-renal failure syndrome: characterization of a unique cerebro-renal disorder. "
Brain 127(10):2173-2182, 2004. PMID (texte)

Badhwar A, Jansen A, Andermann F, Pandolfo A, Andermann E.
"Striking intrafamilial phenotypic variability and spastic paraplegia in the presence of similar homozygous expansions of the FRDA1 gene. "
Mov Disord. 19(12):1424-1431, 2004. PMID (résumé)

Badhwar A, Siren A, Andermann E, Andermann F.
"Myoclonic status epilepticus: video presentation. "
Mov Disord. 17(2):409-411, 2002. PMID (résumé)

Siegel AM, Andermann F, Badhwar A, Rouleau GA, Dam M, Hopf HC, Dichgans J, Sturzenegger M, Hopf NJ, Yasui N, Stepper F, Killer M, Vanneste JA, Acciarri N, Drigo P, Christensen J, Braun V, Konu D, Andermann E.
"Anticipation in familial cavernous angioma: ascertainment bias or genetic cause. "
Acta Neurol Scand. 98(6):372-376, 1998. PMID (résumé)

Siegel AM, Andermann E, Badhwar A, Rouleau GA, Wolford GL, Andermann F, Hess.
"Anticipation in familial cavernous angioma: a study of 52 families from International Familial Cavernous Angioma Study. IFCAS Group."
Lancet 352(9141):1676-1677, 1998. PMID (résumé)